Saturday, March 26, 2011
Final update!
We left Tabora Monday at noon. After a 5 ½ hour drive we arrived in Mwanza to spend the night.
Tuesday morning we went by Precision Air to pay for our tickets from Mwanza to Nairobi. Then it was on to the internet cafe to print confirmation of our flight to Dallas. Oh yes, we did have a great buffet breakfast at the hotel.
Reporting time at the airport was 12:30 p.m. Tim could go no further than the curb where we entered the building. Our bags were weighed and we were told they weighed more than was allowed. Faye said they are not over the limit because the two small ones are our carry ons. Of course the young Tanzanian didn't understand the white woman's Arkansas English so he tagged all 4 of the bags and they were put on the plane. There were no extra charges either!
We arrived in Nairobi about 4:30 p.m. We knew we had to get our luggage to check them all the way to Dallas. Immigration directed us to an office where a gentleman directed us to a couple of airport employees who assisted us. Kenyan Airways located our luggage and tagged them to Dallas. Kenyan Airways took them to British Airlines where they were retagged and checked through all the way to Dallas. That means no hassle with luggage in London. With all of that done (about 4 ½ hours)we were starving and went to the Java House, in the airport, for a sandwich and milk shake.
We boarded the plane about 11:00 p.m. for a 11:30 p.m. departure to London for the 8 ½ hour flight. We arrived in London at 5:55 a.m. and had about a 6 hour layover.
Getting close to noon it was boarding time again. Now a 9 hour flight from London to Dallas awaits us.
When we arrived in Dallas we had hoped to catch a flight on to Little Rock. However, all flights from Dallas to Little Rock were full. American Airlines personnel scheduled us for a 9:30 a.m. flight the next morning (Thursday). They assisted us in getting lodging and transportation. So Thursday morning we were up and ready to leave the motel at 7:00 a.m. Shuttle transportation was provided by the motel. When we arrived at the airport terminal B – we checked our bags at curb side and proceeded to gate B8.
Shortly after 9:00 a.m. the announcement was made that boarding to Little Rock had begun. The last leg of airline travel would soon be over.
We were met at the airport in Little Rock by our niece, Kim Fulmer. She drove us to Conway where we met up with Weldon and Sue Duncan at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. After our meal we got in the car and headed for Mountain View. A deep sense of joy came over us as we got the first glimpse of our house. Home at last!
Bill was checked out by our doctor, Ron Simpson, Thursday afternoon. His lungs were clear. Did have a couple of x-rays and we both had blood work that we will hear from the first of the week.
The journey that began January 11th when we left Mountain View has come to an end. What a journey it was! Thank you for praying and following us on the blog!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday & Saturday- Mar. 18th & 19th
Friday & Saturday- Mar. 18th & 19th - After 3 ½ days and 3 nights at the clinic, operated by the Anglican Church, the doctor said she was going to release me. Her advice was that we go back to the States sooner than we had planned. The climate, dust and etc. caused health problems that aggravated my compromised immune system. After a sack full of pills and instructions for better health she discharged me. So I was given the bill for all the meds, injections, meals, even petrol for the generator (when the power was off), breathing treatments, oxygen, doctor charges and “private room” the total came to 224,600 shillings or about $170.00 U.S.
Plans are underway for our return to the States as soon as flight arrangements can be confirmed.
We are doing okay – Just keep us in your prayers.
Had a good night’s rest last night. Saturday has been spent resting and packing and resting some more. Still taking breathing treatments and strength improving. We will keep you posted.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday-Mar. 17th
Thursday-Mar. 17th - Bill had another good night last night and still free of fever. We are praising the Lord! Dr. Ruth said “Even I say he is better today!” She wants him to stay one more night. Wants his oxygen level to be good, without oxygen, for 5 hours before dismissing him. She wants him to be in good shape for the trip home.
Kim also had a fever free night and still none this morning. She is feeling better everyday..
Did get an email from the travel agent this morning and she wants a date from us as to when we want to schedule coming home. We will be making that decision based on how Kim and Bill are feeling since it requires a 6 hour trip to Mwanza to get a flight to Nairobi on to Dallas. We will keep you all posted when a date is confirmed.
Oh yes, the toilet is fixed and will flush! I have been flushing it by pouring a bucket of water into it so it hasn't just been sitting there! :) Still better than the outhouse that I remember until I married.
The situation with the mosquitoes was much better last night also.
Bill's IV came out last night so had to stick him again. You should see the size needle they use. It is at least 2 ½ inches long and big around! For all of you who will get to see our pictures will see for yourselves when we get home. (I do apologize that I have been unable to post pictures. Guess I am too old to learn some things!) The first place didn't hold so they had to stick him again. We really like the nurse who did it. She is better at it than Dr. Ruth! :) Even Dr. Ruth said that.
We just had a short walk and Bill said that he didn't feel weak. He said that he thought it was because his appetite has been much better the last two days. He had a 2 egg sandwich for breakfast. Later a couple of biscuits (cookies), half a banana, and now coffee and 3 biscuits. Looking forward to rice and beans with onions, tomatoes and green peppers chopped fine for lunch about 2:00 p.m. Tim and Kim are bringing him pizza for supper.
Bill has had a real good day and will probably get to come home tomorrow. He sat up almost all day and had a couple of longer walks this afternoon.
If we get confirmations on flights we will leave here hopefully in Tim's Prado (air-conditioned) on Monday for Mwanza. Spend the night there and on to Nairobi Tuesday afternoon and out of Nairobi Tuesday night to London and then on to Dallas and into Little Rock around 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening. Keep praying for confirmations and that Bill will really be kicking up his heels! I am truly feeling fine.
Kim has continued to be free of fever today too! God is so good and we are very thankful!
We will keep you posted on our flight schedule when it is confirmed.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Friday-Mar. 11th - Wednesday-Mar. 16th
Friday-Mar. 11th - Thinking of our sister-in-law, Jean, today. It is her birthday. Happy Birthday, Jean. We love you.
Of course after the tree trimming yesterday the guys are burning again and Tim is also mowing the yard.
Kim is busy preparing dinner. A large fresh pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn and etc. Special dessert, pound cake served with pineapple slices (butter and brown sugar) broiled and whipped cream on top. Since she didn't have enough with 4 house guest she invited Dr. Ruth and a little boy 8 years old who is under Ruth's care right now. On top of everything she started running a temperature along with Bill and Sam, one of the men from Ireland, wasn't feeling well, so looks like it's off to the clinic in the morning to be tested. I do try to help Kim as much as I can.
Saturday-Mar 12th - Kim, Sam, Bill and I off to the clinic after breakfast. I was feeling fine and we all knew that Kim was the sickest one. They talked me into being tested for malaria too. We all tested positive for malaria but Kim. It seems that she doesn't test positive unless she has a fever when pricked. So four of us started on malaria meds and some on antibiotic also. Bill also has a touch of pneumonia and the doctor started him on antibiotic and a nebulizer was brought to the house for breathing treatments. Dr. Ruth is overly protective with him because of his CLL and we are glad. She thinks we should consider going home early. She doesn't like that he has had 3 bouts of fever. Wants to check him again Monday.
Everyone spend a restless night with fever and etc. Not me, I still feel fine and no symptoms except a slight headache.
Tim said he was changing the name of the house from “Guest House” to “Hospital”.
When we had lunch with Al and Rose from “The Golden Eagle,” Kim invited Rose and Illa, Bharat's wife, to come by on Saturday. That is today! Rose had never seen Kim's house and she wanted to see it. They arrived at 5:00 p.m. With Rose's daughter and niece. They were given a tour of the house and were served pound cake, cookies, roasted and candied peanuts and cold drinks outside in the yard. All really enjoyed the evening. I'm sure they did since it was almost 9:00 p.m. when they left. Kim was really sick but didn't want to cancel on them.
Sunday-Mar. 13th - Bill and I stayed home but everyone else went to church in the village and out to eat at Tabora Hotel. Bill seemed better during the day.
Kim should have stayed home because by the time they got home her temperature was very high and she felt terrible.
Monday-Mar. 14th - Bill and Kim both had a terrible night. Tim took Bill to the clinic and Kim was in bed most of the day – up and down. Dr. Ruth told Tim that she thinks Kim has typhoid and Kim agrees.
Dr. Ruth gave Bill more medicine. During the afternoon about 4:30 p.m., Bill's temperature went up to 101.5 so we called Dr. Ruth so off to the clinic we went prepared to spend the night but guess what by the time we got to the clinic the power was off. Dr. Ruth put in a port for an IV and gave him a mega dose of antibiotic and sent us home to come back to the clinic in the morning.
Another up and down night checking temperature, giving Tylenol and going to the bathroom.
Tuesday-Mar 15th - Kim says she is feeling a little better and hoping she has turned the corner.
Dr. Ruth picked Bill and I up at 7:45 a.m. on her way to the clinic. It was our understanding that Bill would be on oxygen during the day for a couple of days and spend the night at home. Doctor changed her mind and wants Bill on oxygen for 48 hours so he has to stay in a private room and I have to go home. I didn't like that so I asked, “Who will fan him?” Understand there is no air conditioning or fans. Finally she said I could stay and they fixed up a room for me to sleep in.
When we arrived at the clinic they started getting Bill on oxygen, gave an injection on the IV port and a shot in the arm. About a hour or so they took Bill off the oxygen machine for about an hour because a very sick baby had been brought. The clinic only has 1 oxygen machine.
Let me tell you about this private room Bill has. It has its own bath but the stool doesn't flush and no toilet paper! We have been to Africa enough that I came prepared. Oh yes, the outside door can't be closed because of sharing the oxygen machine and a tube has to go out the door to the baby just outside Bill's room in an open air area.
Dr. Ruth called Tim in the late afternoon and asked him to bring our mosquito spray. When he saw the set up and understood the door much be left open he wasn't very happy. Earlier in the day he had been out and saw the set up and didn't like it but said that the baby wouldn't be staying all night because that door must be closed!
Shortly before 7:00 p.m. mosquitoes started swarming into the room. I began frantically fanning to try to keep them away from Bill. Dr. Ruth called a short time later and asked how things were going. I told her Bill's room was filled with mosquitoes! She said that she would take care of it. She immediately called one of the nurses and instructed her to get us out of the room and spray it and put a mosquito net over the doorway. Meantime, we were in an open waiting room and I was still fanning Bill like crazy. He said you can stop fanning now, I'm not hot. I said I'm trying to keep the mosquitoes off you! It didn't take long until things began to look better. Needless to say I slept very little. It was noisy and the light had to be kept on so I was watching for mosquitoes and going up the hall to check on Bill. I spent most of the night sitting in his room and watching him sleep like a baby. He rested well! Thank the Lord!
Wednesday-Mar. 16Th - All the meds, oxygen and good night's rest did wonders for Bill. He hasn't had any fever at all today and his appetite is back. Kim sent his supper out to him tonight, fresh pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn.
I did come home and have my supper with Tim and Kim and will spend the night here and go back out in the morning.
Please don't get me wrong! We love Dr. Ruth and she is doing an amazing job with what she has to work with! Please continue to pray for all of us.
Kim said a while ago that today has been her best day. She is still on meds. Tim is fighting a cold. Pastor John went to the clinic today and he has malaria too. I am doing fine.
We are still waiting to hear from our travel agent to see about returning home earlier than planned.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday-Mar. 10th
Thursday-Mar. 10th - What an exciting day we have had today. First the tree trimmers came and then we butchered a pig!
I don't know how to begin to describe the crew which came to trim the huge tree here at the house that was over the power lines. Remember they have no bucket truck, no chain saw, only a short ladder, 1 ax, and machetes. There were six men to trim and 3 men carrying clipboards watching. Tim loaned them his extension ladder (none knew how to extend it) and a rope and his helper, John. One man and John climbed the tree which was quite tall, sat on the limb and began to cut away with the ax. When the largest limb fell (not the one he was sitting on) it caught in the power lines. Now they have a real problem. How will they dislodge the limb? They can't reach it from the ground nor from above where the man is still sitting. The Tanzanian engineering kicked in. I could tell it was John's idea and that is when he went to get the rope. The rope was thrown over the big limb in the tree. Then somehow they managed to loop it around the limb on the power lines, now the men on the ground began to pull on the rope to hoist the limb off the wires. It worked well and no one got hurt. Faye got some good pictures. It was like watching a 3-ring circus!
About 1:00 p.m. John Tuff and Sam, (from Ireland) came in with a pig that they had killed at the farm. This was all planned of course. On a table set up in the back yard the pig was butchered. John Tuff has done this before so he knew what he was going. Some of the meat was ground for sausage and I think that a large pork roast is on the menu for tomorrow. It all depends on the electric being on.
The power was off from 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch and supper were prepared on the 1 burner propane heater. Kim certainly knows how to make do and everyone loves her cooking.
Power is still on at 7:00 p.m. and we are hoping that it will stay on all night!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday-Mar. 8th - Wednesday-Mar.9th
Tuesday-Mar. 8th - Yes, the power came back on last night at 10:00 p.m., then off again at 2:00 a.m., on at 5:30 a.m., off at 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. What a day!
Tim and Kim went into town to get groceries, bottled water and to the market to get produce. When they got back I (Faye) washed all the vegetables in bleach water and rinsed them. This is a necessity to kill germs and etc. I am always happy when I can help.
Even with the power off we still had a wonderful meal by seven o'clock. Quiche, cooked greens, large salad, fruit salad with cake. The fans are so important at night to keep mosquitoes off.
We were so excited that we got to talk to Sonya, Cassandra, Kayla, and Olive by Skype about 8:30 p.m.. It took me from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to finally get connected. It wasn't very plain and we kept getting kicked off but it was just wonderful to see them and chat for a while!
After a leisurely evening it is off to bed.
Wednesday-Mar.9th - Tim and I went into town this morning to have some copies made, check on the vehicle he is purchasing and to see some people. While in town we learned that the electric was off again. Hopefully, whatever the problem, it will soon be fixed.
Kim and Faye, each, got a load of clothes washed before the electric went off. Keith, you are appreciated more and more every day. The one burner propane stove has been a “life saver”.
It is possible that Tim will get the Toyota Prado by the weekend. It is located in another town and the present owner doesn't come to Tabora every day. It will be a great blessing when Tim does get possession.
Today has been a hot one, even though a gentle breeze is blowing it is very warm out in the sun. That's why we spend time in the shade sitting outside.
Power came back on about 5:15 p.m. After church we played scrabble and Bill won the game.
It is almost bedtime here so will get this posted soon.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday-Mar.5th - Sunday-Mar. 6th
Saturday-Mar.5th - It is dog dipping day! People take their dogs somewhere to get dipped (treated) for ticks and etc. Tim and Kim's dogs want to bark at every dog that goes by.
Kim has gone to a ladies meeting. Faye did not go because it will be in Swahili. So she is in the kitchen baking a cake. We will all benefit from that.
Tim did mow part of the yard this afternoon before the rain came. We have had 2 good rains today. The air is cool and fresh. We sure enjoy the weather.
The electric went off about 1:30 p.m. You never know when it will go off. Even though you might be right in the middle of preparing a meal it doesn't matter to the electric company.
I have been asked to preach the morning message here in town in the morning. We may go out to the village next week. We do pray for our church family and Bro. Vickers at East Richwoods. We miss our people and are counting the days until our return.
Hail storm struck the village late Friday. It beat the maize into the ground. The hail was so big and so much that there was still hail on the ground Saturday morning when John went out there. Some reports of animals killed.
Sunday-Mar. 6th - John, Joha, and Baraka went to the village this morning. After the message a man was saved. I preached here in town. Tim interpreted for me. It is difficult to maintain your train of thought. I think it was difficult for both Tim and me.
Two men from Ireland (John and Sam) arrived about 12:30 p.m. They will be here for two weeks working on the building for a children's home. They are staying here at Tim and Kim's house.
At 2:00 p.m. Tim, Kim, Faye and I had been invited to dinner at Al and Rose's House. He is an Indian and she is Tanzanian. They own the Golden Eagle Hotel and Restaurant. WOW! What a meal! I can't describe all the food but it was delicious. We enjoyed the food and hospitality. Faye did make pictures of the food.
Power went off at 6:00 p.m. and came back on about 9:30 p.m. We were certainly glad it came back on because we sleep under a fan. The fan keeps the mosquitoes away.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Sunday-Feb. 27th - Friday-Mar. 4th
Sunday-Feb. 27th - We all went to church this morning. Bro. John went to the village to preach and Tim preached here. Between Sunday School and Church a man delivered a “legal” paper. Basically, the same man who attacked Bro. John, still living next door to the church on John's property, has made some false accusations against Tim. What the man really wants is money. He is trying to extort money from Tim. At any rate the District Commissioner is a friend of Tim. He is a high government official. He came by the house on Monday evening and advised Tim on what to do. He wanted to hear Tim's version and then wanted John to tell his version. He was quite upset with John for forgiving the man. He said, “Are you more merciful than Jesus? He drove the money changers out of the temple.”
Monday-Feb. 28th - We received a phone call from our son, Bruce, this morning that my brother had passed away. Jim had been in ill health for a long time. And more recently hospitalized with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. We were saddened being so far away and unable to be with the family. Jim was a wonderful man and a faithful servant. I, personally, will miss him greatly. We did call Jean to express our condolences and assure her of our love and prayers.
Tuesday-Mar. 1st - Bill and Tim have really been enjoying playing in the fire for several days. They have been working on their road and several months ago cut some huge trees that were in the right of way so they have been trying to get the front cleaned up. I think John has brought all the dry wood in the neighborhood to put on the fire to help get it to burn.
Power was off so we went into town and ate at the Golden Eagle. While we were there the owner and his wife invited us all to their home for lunch this Sunday. They serve roasted peanuts, onions and tomatoes. I know that it sounds different but it is delicious. We are hoping to get the recipe.
Wednesday-Mar. 2nd - Power on today so we got caught up on washing and ironing and Kim made fajitas (everything from scratch). They were delicious!
The tree stumps are almost burned up. Should be gone by morning. Power was off after church so we have really been suffering from the heat without the fans. A breeze just came in through the east windows but I heard a mosquito earlier and afraid to go to sleep without the fan! It is only 9:00 p.m. so it is a little early. According to the schedule the power should be back on about 10 o'clock.
Nothing gone through on the car yet.
Thursday-Mar. 3rd - I must admit that I am real homesick! I miss my house, car, water, electric and on and on! We have really been blue since the news about Bill's brother passing away. I know he is in a much better place but it is still sad. We realize that 3 months is too long to be away and I'm sure that Tim and Kim would agree! :) There are so many things that we can't understand and it is quite frustrating. I always thought I could be a missionary but I now know that it has to be a calling from God!
Don't get me wrong, we are really enjoying our stay but are ready to come home. Anyway, so much for complaining!
Kim made pie crust today so we surprised the guys by making their favorite pies, raisin (Bill) and vanilla cream (Tim). Of course they shared with us.
Friday-Mar. 4th - Tim and I went into town this morning. He had a couple of bills to pay (water and electric). Water department told him that he will get water two days a week and only for a short time on those days. We never know what to expect from the electric company. They publish a schedule but never go by it. And no one gets in a hurry.
We also went by vodafone. I took our computer so they could see why the “stick” (purchased February 15th) would not work. I wanted it to work or my money back. Well, lo and behold, the problem was soon resolved. We now can send and receive email, view facebook, chat on facebook, and read the news. We can now communicate anytime, with or without power. What a difference a day makes.
This is Faye. Got to chat with my sister, Sue, this evening! What a blessing it was! When I am home we talk on the phone almost every day! We are certainly going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home.
We had a good rain this afternoon and another during the night before going to sleep.
The power went off about 7:00 p.m. and was still off when we went to bed.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday-Feb. 25
Monday-Feb. 21st - The medication I got at the clinic Saturday morning seems to be working. I really haven't felt bad, just a little fever at times. Today I will finish my meds and return to the clinic Friday or Saturday to see if the malaria is all gone. I am thankful that they know how to treat malaria effectively.
Tim and Kim went to visit with Bharat's wife and children this morning. He asked if there was a time when all the family, including brothers and sister would be together. He wanted to talk with all of them. Illa told them to return at 6:00 p.m. He will return to witness to them, give each of them a gospel tract and a copy of the Gospel of John and Romans. Since Tim and Kim were expecting friends from Mwanza Kim said her goodbye this morning but Tim will return this evening.
My temperature came back up in the late afternoon. Dr. Ruth was joining us for dinner about 7:00 p.m. so we just waited to tell her when she came.
The Brouwer's arrived safely about 3:00 p.m.
Tim and Bro. Bill went to visit with Bharat's family. They all graciously accepted the tract and Gospel of John and Romans. They understood how much Tim loved the family and thanked him for his friendship, concern and support. Each of the siblings invited them to come visit them anytime. Please pray with us that God will work in their hearts and good will come from this tragic death and God will receive honor and glory.
Had a wonderful meal with the Brouwers and Dr. Ruth. Dr. wants to see Bill again at the clinic early in the morning.
We retired early.
Tuesday-Feb. 22nd - Kim asked Bill how he rested last night and he said that I (Faye) was up a lot. I was up taking care of him because his temperature came up again and he was having a chill about 1:30 a.m. About 4:00 a.m. his temperature started down so then I laid back down and slept until almost 7:00 a.m. We were up, showered, had breakfast and at the clinic by 8:30 a.m. Tested Bill again for malaria and nothing showed up. Dr. Ruth doesn't really know what is going on but feels that it is a bug. She gave him some more medication and wants us to keep a diary of his temperature. When we were finished at the Clinic, we sent word to Dr. Ruth to call us a taxi. One of the business men from town was in her office and he told her he would be happy to take us home. We really appreciated that! Bill doesn't really feel bad but Dr. Ruth is overly concerned since he has CLL. She really feels responsible but I wish she wouldn't. She is hopeful that in 3 days the fever will be gone. We are just staying in and resting. Keep Bill in your prayers that the fever will go away. Love to all family and friends.
Friday-Feb. 25 - Bill is much improved. We have just been staying in. Tim and Kim have enjoyed their friends from Mwanza. They left this morning.
The man that had beat John up pleaded for forgiveness from John. They asked John what he wanted to do and he said “Go to court”. Then the man got down on his knees crying begging for John's forgiveness. John forgave him and is not going to take him to court. The men in authority said to John, “Now we know that you are a true Christian”. John did say that he wanted them out of his house and wanted peace and safety for his family, property and the church. They were all supposed to meet in the afternoon to sign the papers concerning this. The man didn't show up. We really don't know what is happening now. It is my understanding that they are supposed to get out of John's house tomorrow. The man said that he was going to move into property that really belongs to the mother-in-law but the family wasn't because he was tired of his wife and she was nothing but trouble! HA! HA! The community is really wanting them out of their area. Evidently he has been in trouble with someone else in the area. It sounds like the community is going to get them out and John really doesn't have to do anything about it. God is good! Keep praying for John's family and church. I told everyone that John is a much better Christian than I am, I wanted him to put the man behind bars!!
Bharat's family is doing pretty good. Illa is going to try to run their business (Photography Shop). She helped him all the time but doesn't know much about the computer. A couple of her children are good on computers so they are trying to teach her. Bharat's mom is with the children in Morogoro. They are in school there.
Things are still looking optimistic on the purchase of the car. Please continue to pray!
I try to help Kim as much as I can. She says I am spoiling her house girl. I really felt at home today, Tim finally let me mow about 30 minutes today! Imagine that mowing in February!
It is late afternoon and Bill has had no temperature today. We are thanking the Lord!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday-Feb. 18th
Friday-Feb. 18th - We are all still in shock over Bharat's death. Tim and Kim are going by the house this morning. The funeral will be some time tomorrow. His body will be cremated. Bharat was Hindu, however Tim had witnessed to him several times. He had even visited the church and raised his hand during the invitation. Whether he was saved or not, we don't know.
A plumber was called to repair the flushing mechanism in both toilets. He came on a bicycle with a little plastic bag of tools. He worked for sometime and did get one of the toilets working. He went into town to look for parts for the other one. None were to be found. So he is going to see if he can somehow fix the parts and if not a new flush tank will be necessary. He is gone again and no one knows when he will return.
I did feel chilled all afternoon and had a little temperature. During the night I felt chilled again. To be on the safe side it was decided that maybe I should go to the clinic in the morning and have my finger pricked.
The evening was spent playing scrabble. Tim is so far ahead we have stopped counting.
Saturday-Feb. 19th - Faye and I got ready to go to the clinic. Dr. Ruth picked us up at the house and drove us to the clinic. My finger was pricked to check for malaria. And sure enough, I do have a one count which is hardly anything. However, Dr. Ruth gave a prescription for Malarone. It was filled at the clinic and a driver brought us home. I really don't feel bad at all and I'm sure since we started treatment early it won't amount to anything.
The plumber returned and worked 5 or 6 hours, rebuilt the broken parts on the toilet, and charged 5000 shillings (about $4). Now both toilets are working. What a blessing since friends from Mwanza are coming next week. They will be here 4 nights.
We all went to Bahrat's home for the viewing of the body this afternoon. There are no funeral homes here. Neither do they embalm. The body had been kept in some sort of cooler to preserve it. The body was brought to the home on what looked like cot springs. It was wrapped in white cloth and laid on a straw mat in their living room (all furniture removed). He was a very friendly business man so hundreds (4 -5) came by to view and pay their respects. It was so sad to see and hear some of the ritualism associated with the funeral. It wasn't like any funeral we have ever been to. No one addressed the crowd at all. After about 2 hours of viewing, wailing and chanting the body was then taken to the crematory to be cremated. Only the men and boys accompanied the body. It sure was a sad day for all of us.
Sunday-Feb.20 - There were visitors in church today. I don't know what the attendance was. I do know that some scattered while Tim & Kim were on furlough. That happens every time. Bro. John seemed to have liberty and power this morning; more than usual. Two of the men go to the village each Sunday morning to conduct services there. I did not hear anything about their services.
Tim preached the evening message. He preaches in Swahili. I know from the references he used that he was encouraging the people and pastor to keep on being faithful in spite of adversity.
Home again. Oh yeah, popcorn for a snack, a little TV and off to bed.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday-Feb. 16th
Wednesday-Feb. 16Th - Today is a holiday. I have no idea why. Most all businesses are closed. Schools are closed. Not much activity of any kind going on. And that includes here at the house although Kim and Faye did wash some clothes.
Much to our surprise we have had power for 3 days. It may have something to do with the Muslim holiday. We are not complaining though.
Bro. John preached a good message at prayer meeting tonight. After we left church Pastor John was attacked by a man who lives in John's house right next to the church. In fact the church now sits on John's plot temporarily. A year or more ago Pastor John had compassion on a faithful lady in the church who was separated from her husband and allowed her to live in his house rent free. Since then the husband has moved in with his wife and there has been nothing but trouble. They were served an eviction notice and were supposed to be out by the end of December. Anyway, we are thankful that two other men and the night guard were there when the man called Bro. John into his house and then began beating and choking him. We believe he was actually trying to kill Bro. John. Two of the men from the church heard the commotion and rushed in to rescue John. Bro John and one of the men went to the police to report the incident. They told John to go by the hospital and get checked out early Thursday morning and bring the report back to them.
After they had been to the police station John and the two other men from the church, Daniel and Laurant, came by the house to report. Faye, Kim and I were sitting on the couch and I was sitting in the middle. One of the men said that in their culture that would never happen (the daughter-in-law sitting next to the father-in-law). We all had a good laugh.
Another day has come and almost gone. That means time to “hit the sack for some shut eye.”
Thursday-Feb.17th Pastor John went by the hospital to get checked out. Afterwards he went by the police station again to file a complaint. The police went to the house and arrested the man. He is in jail and will appear before a judge tomorrow.
John was really sore and having pain so Tim took pity on him and mowed the entire yard! It looks so pretty.
Tim and Kim also went into town to buy groceries. Missionary friends from Mwanza, Bill and Tammy Brower, are coming for a visit next week. We thought they could get the shopping done faster without us and sure enough they were back in record time.
At 10:15 p.m. Tim got a call that Bharat, a good friend, had died from injuries sustained earlier in the day in an automobile accident. We had been by his shop several times since arriving here. We know him from previous trips to Tanzania.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday-Feb.14th - It wasn't easy to get up this morning. The weather is cool and the cover felt so good that I did not want to get out of bed, but finally did. We had breakfast and Kim and Faye started washing clothes.
Tom, the internet guy, is here trying to get wireless working. So far, no luck. We are ready to tell him to forget it. There is an alternative. It is like a zip drive stick that plugs into your computer. With that power stick and a powered up computer you have internet with or without electricity. You can send and receive email, check facebook and update blog anytime and from any place in Tanzania. What a deal, huh?
Well the fundi (the expert) just left without success in getting the wireless hooked up. Not too surprising is it? Frustration expresses the feelings of all of us. So tomorrow I will exercise option 2 (the stick).
Kim is working with Joha (pastor's wife) translating Sunday School lessons from English to Swahili. Joha will be teaching the kids now.
After supper we watched TV for awhile before going to bed.
Tuesday-Feb.15th - I am told that the weather is unusually cool for Tabora this time of the year. Still it is probably around 70 degrees.
Just as we were ready for lunch, here came three men from the telephone company. Two of them were “Big Wigs”. Their purpose was to dissuade us from giving up on their wireless service. After some discussion they left to work on something at their office that they thought might fix the problem. They do not want to have to return the money for the wireless router!
Joha came over again this afternoon for Kim to translate some more on the lessons. She certainly is a sweet lady.
Tim and I went to Vodafone and purchased a Vodaphone Mobile Broadband USB stick for internet service. When we got home Tim could not get it to work because they had failed to activate it so he went back and finally have it now working. And without electricity or internet hookup we can send and receive email also facebook.
We were invited to Dr. Ruth's house for supper. It consisted of a pasta dish (hamburger, pasta, with a white sauce), slaw, beans, spaghetti with marinara sauce, garlic bread and a delicious cake and fruit salad. We all enjoyed the meal and a time of fellowship. With full stomachs we headed home.
A special thanks to Bill for doing most of the writing on the blog!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday-Feb. 12th
Saturday-Feb. 12th - Tim and I went by the Toyota repair shop. The owner is the man who is trying to help Tim with a vehicle. He has been the person who has serviced the Prado that Tim is interested in. Because of the duty and taxes required it looked hopeless. However, when we went by and Tim made an offer, the man seemed to think there would be “no problem”. He isn't the owner of the car but is helping the owner sell it. He is supposed to call Tim on Tuesday to let him know if the offer is accepted.
At 6:00 p.m. we all went to Mama Shani's for supper. We sat out in the yard and drank sodas until dark. Then we went inside where it was dark as pitch. Yes, you guessed it – no power. Soon a lamp was lit and you could almost see across the room. Mama Shani poured water over our hands to wash but nothing to dry them with. After prayer we ate a meal of chicken, boiled potatoes, rice, beef, pineapple and bananas. Had a good time of fellowship.
Sunday-Feb 13th - We went to church here in town. Tim preached and one woman came forward to pray. She hadn't been to church in some time. Bro. John preached out in the village. Two men were baptized. The evening service was over sooner than usual because it looked like it was going to rain and all of the people either walk or ride bicycles. Not only would the road become very muddy but folks would have gotten soaked. As it turned out it did not rain.
As we arrived home there was no power. But we still had popcorn and played scrabble until power was restored about 10:00 p.m. After checking email it was off to bed.
P.S. This is Faye - Tim is leader and ahead of me by 4 games now. Think I will stop counting! :) I must have just had beginners luck!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday-Feb. 11th
Friday-Feb. 11th - It is thundering and raining this morning. Kim bought a meat grinder yesterday and is getting ready to use it to grind up some beef for hamburgers.
The meat grinding process was going slower than planned but soon Kim realized how to do it quicker. No book of instructions came with the grinder! Yes, it was new and still in the box. Bill took a picture of Kim, Ruthie and myself in the kitchen. We were lined up along the counter. Kim was grinding meat, Ruthie making bread and I was making dill pickles! I did get a picture of Bill in the kitchen too when I needed him to stir the pickle mixture so I could finish slicing the cucumbers.
Tim has gone into town to try to find out more about the vehicle. Upon his return home he reported that he learned nothing. He does have a meeting at 2:00 p.m. with an advocate about some legal matters.
Tim has returned from his 2 o'clock meeting with the advocate. While in town he learned that the duty and taxes would be so excessive that he could not afford to purchase the Toyota Prado. He was disappointed and discouraged. I (Bill) told him the Lord must have something better. He was also told that he would probably have to go to Dar and just camp out on the steps of officials there until he got their registration approved. It has been 2 years since he submitted the paper work and has heard nothing. Our being here reminds us of how much all of our missionaries need prayer.
It seems that our (ladies) work for the day has been successful! Hamburger patties are made, hamburger buns cooked, and if I must say so the dill pickles already taste good! Good supper again tonight! Kim never ceases to amaze us with her good meals!
Thursday-Feb.10th - This morning as we were having breakfast we learned that Tabu had a little girl about 2:00 a.m.
We all went into town. Kim and Faye went to the market for fruits and vegetables, and to the store for staple goods. They also purchased gifts for the new baby. Tim and I borrowed a vehicle from Munna. He is an Asian and a good friend to Tim and Kim. We made several stops in town, including a stop to see the Toyota Prado that he looked at last night. He wanted to see it in the day time. Much to his disappointment the vehicle was no longer in town. In the meantime, Tim is trying to find out how much the duty would be on the car before agreeing to purchase it. Please make this a matter of prayer!
Since we were all in town I agreed to buy lunch at Tabora Hotel. Afterward we took Kim and Faye home and Tim and I took the car back to Munna. We also made a stop at the bank to exchange some money, and headed home.
This is Faye – Kim and I walked up to Tabu's home to see the baby. She is so precious. They named her Margaret Asha. She was named after the lady that George works for and they live on their compound. George and Tabu have another little girl. She is about 3 years old. Her name is Peri (pronounced Peli). She is a beautiful little girl too. They were very appreciative of the gifts. We left Bill and Tim home reading. When we returned Tim was asleep and Bill was still reading. He is on his third book since we have been here.
I almost forgot to tell you that after 3 games of Scrabble last night Tim and I are tied now with 3 games each.
Dr. Ruth, from the clinic, dropped by for a couple of hours. She needed to unwind and vent her frustrations. She is a single lady and has no one at home to talk to so she comes to Tim and Kim. Some of the employees at the clinic are troubling her.
Good night!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday-Feb. 8th
Tuesday-Feb. 8th - WOW! It takes forever to get anything done here. The new power schedule now is: Every day the power is off 7 and 8 hours alternating. We shall wait and see what happens.
While in town this morning several stops were made. Tim was pleased with what was accomplished.
John just informed us that one of the ladies (Tabu) from the church was taken to the hospital. She is expecting and in labor. Pastor John's wife, Joha, went to the hospital to check on her and took her some food late this afternoon and the doctor had said that maybe tonight she would have the baby. Oh, yes, the room is a large ward and Tabu is sharing the half bed with another woman. The only food that they have is what the family or friends bring to them. I can't imagine that! I am hoping (I think) to get to go visit tomorrow! Oh, to top it off her husband cannot be with her.
The power did come on at 4:00 p.m. as scheduled! The man did not come to take care of getting the wireless hooked up. How I wish Bruce, David, Jim or Bryan were here! :) We are so spoiled having family to fix our computer problems.
It is bedtime and still no baby! Maybe there will be news in the morning.
Wednesday-Feb. 9th - Still no baby!
Tim received word from a friend in Mwanza this morning about a vehicle that he might be interested in. It is a Toyota Rav 4. Then he was told about another vehicle (2005 Prado) that the owner is selling. It is located nearby. He wants to take a look at it also. So there are 2 possibilities. We do however, have bus tickets for Mwanza, leaving tomorrow. (No, Terry, Phil and Michele, we are not going on the train!)
Can you believe the internet people are here to install the wireless router? It will be a blessing if they can get the job done! They have been here for some time and I walked through the room and they really don't look as if they know what they are doing! Maybe I can get some more pictures posted one of these days.
The first water that we had delivered really looked pretty good but the second load looks horrible. It looks like water from a ditch! I hope to get a picture to post. If you haven't seen a picture or been here you can't imagine!
I told you the computer guys didn't look like they knew what they were doing. They said that Tim's router wouldn't work here. I am very sceptical and I think they just wanted to sell one of theirs! :) A friend in Ireland gave Tim the router. They are back now trying to get theirs hooked up. Well, they couldn't even get their router working! They may not know much about computers but one of them wanted to help me with my ironing and he can iron. I almost told him he needed to change his profession. Bill did ask him if he did washing too. They will come again Monday!
We all went to church tonight and still no baby! We are thinking that she probably went to the hospital too early. Joha seems to think that after visiting her.
The men just brought the Prado by and they are looking at it now and it does seem to be in good shape.
The mechanic who has kept it serviced is showing it and it is still under warranty. It is in the right price range and Tim will check on duty free status of the vehicle tomorrow. The trip to Mwanza may be cancelled. More to follow tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday-Feb. 7th
Monday-Feb. 7th - After the Super Bowl was over this morning Tim and I did go to bed for 3 ½ hours.
We had more showers off and on all morning. The soil is so sandy that the rain soaks right into the soil. If fact, when the truck came to deliver the water to fill the tank, it got stuck right in the driveway. Fortunately the men were able to dig it out.
Men from the telephone office came and got internet at the house connected. However, the power went off before we were able to check email. Tim called the electric company and was told the schedule was changed and no other explanation given. So we wait and wait and wait!
In the meantime we spend the afternoon reading and studying.
The evening was spent playing scrabble by battery powered lanterns. It was an enjoyable time together. Oh, yes, I (Faye) won both games! We played the night before and I won one game and Tim won one. As of now I am the champion. I am more surprised than anyone.
Power back on at 11:00 p.m. Faye is checking email, Facebook and the blog. Thanks Brucie for all your help! We are both doing great! Can't believe that it was 4 weeks ago today that we left Mountain View!
Monday, February 7, 2011
...and another Update
Saturday-Feb. 5th - Another good rain last night. The weather is so pleasant. The sun is shining so brightly and the temperature is 70-72 degrees. We don't miss the cold and snows you are having back home.
Kim and Faye have gone to a ladies meeting at the church and Tim and I are going to town on some errands: Internet Cafe, post office, electric company buy a one burner propane stove, voda phone and Bharat's camera shop. This took about 3 hours. No one gets in a hurry. And this is Saturday and I think the whole population (150,000) of Tabora was in town.
Most of our afternoon was spent reading. Mama Shani, from one of the schools and a good friend of Tim and Kim came to the house for a visit. We are invited to her house next Saturday for dinner.
At 6 p.m. the power came on so we watched tv in the evening. We go to bed around 9:30 – 10:00 p.m.
Sunday-Feb 6th - We were awakened during the night by heavy rain and thundering. Since many are having to buy water for washing, cleaning and bathing the rains help the water supply. All of our drinking and cooking water is purchased bottled water.
We went to the village of Ndevelwa for church today. It is 10 miles from Tabora but seeemed like 100. The road is sandy with many potholes, washed out places. Those holes were full of water after the heavy rain. A man in town sent a vehicle and driver to take us to the village. If people from the states could see these roads they would never complain about their County Judges again.
There were 34 people from the area came to church. About half of them were children between 2 and 10 years old. We really sensed the need for more workers. Two men were saved and two came for baptism that had been saved recently. One of those two saved was the father of the child who died Friday. Bro. John preached a simple, powerful salvation message.
After lunch we all had a nap. Sunday evening services begin at 5:00 p.m. so the afternoon went by rather quickly.
Sunday night is popcorn night. Arriving home we were surprised to find the power still on. (It was scheduled to go off at 6:00 p.m.) Tim very quickly began to pop the corn. He filled a dish pan full before the power was cut off. So we were able to keep the Sunday night tradition. While we were enjoying the popcorn a man (electrician) whom we had met 2 ½ years ago, came with his three little boys to greet the visitors from America.
Tim and I stayed up to watch the Super Bowl. It came on at 2:30 a.m. here but it was a live telecast. The game ended at 6:00 a.m. Now it is 6:15 a.m. so OFF TO BED!!
Tabora Update
Wednesday-Jan. 26th – Tim and Kim went to market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Also to meat market where they purchased some beef and also a small, skinny chicken, While I washed all the fruit and vegetables in bleach water to kill parasites, Kim prepared the chicken for chicken stew. After cooking the chicken for 3 hours it smelled so good. Kim started trying to get the chicken off the bone but it was impossible. She just added the vegetables and when they were tender thickened the juice she served the stew over rice. It was delicious but we could not eat any of the chicken because it was so tough.
Went to prayer meeting. Bro. John (national pastor) preached in Swahili. Of course we couldn't understand it but Tim did interpret some for us. Enjoyed the service and greeting people we met on our last visit. Had popcorn when we got home.
Thursday-Jan. 27th – Went to revenue office and immigration office. Power was off all day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Had lunch at Tabora Hotel. They have great fish and chips.
Went to see a children's home that is under construction. On the same property they raise pigs and also corn to feed them. We saw several stages of corn being grown. It seems that the construction is nearing completion but who knows in Africa. The saying is (no hurry in Africa) “to hurry brings no blessings”. I think they all agree!
Since we still don't have internet at the house Tim and Bill went into town to Internet Cafe to post on facebook so our family and friends would know we arrived safely in Tabora.
Friday-Jan. 28th – Tim and Kim have gone into town to renew their work permits and take care of other business. We are home taking it easy. It is 74 degrees F, very pleasant. Still needing and waiting for the rains to come.
Had a great lunch of meat balls and rice, corn and salad. Now just waiting for the truck to bring the rest of the luggage. We were told it would be here today or tomorrow.
The electrician came to fix burners on the stove, switch for the heat for our shower and put a new cord on the iron. Oh yes, I had one cold shower! Can hardly take that so Bill and I take turns standing out side the bathroom door and holding the switch while the other showers. I have thought about letting it go a few times but was sure he would pay me back. :)
Saturday-Jan. 29th - Tim and Bill walked into town to buy light bulbs and a switch for our bathroom heater. Also checked e-mail at internet cafe. They stopped by the telephone office to remind them of need of internet service at the house. They are supposed to come out Tuesday (February 1st).
We still do not have the 10 footlockers, washing machine and lawn mower that was shipped by truck from Dar last Tuesday. Perhaps they will come today.
The electrician came out to do some more work. Many of the outside lights were not working so they are trying to get them all fixed. That is a safety thing to have everything well lighted.
Kim and I did some more cleaning. Kim was disappointed in the cleaning while she was gone. You can not believe how dusty things get. From one meal to the next when we clean the table before setting it, the cloth looks as if it hasn't been cleaned in days! Therefore, it is constant cleaning. Kim does all of her own cooking but does have help with the cleaning.
We were told that the power would be off from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. but it never went off! We were so thankful because we use the fans to keep cool and keep the mosquitoes away.
Sunday-Jan. 30th – Too far and too dusty to walk to church so we took a taxi. The driver will also take us home after church. Good services. Tim preached in Swahili. We did not understand but could tell the people received it well. Had a leisurely afternoon – watching tv and taking naps. We went back to church (by taxi again) for the 5 p.m. services. They meet early so everyone can get home before dark. They all walk or ride bikes. Of course the mosquitoes don't come out until dark either. After church we came home and had popcorn and watched tv for a short while. Then off to bed.
Monday-Jan. 31st – Lazy morning. Tim has gone into town on business. We have spent most of the day reading and watching people as they pass by.
Still waiting for the truck to arrive from Dar with trunks, washer and lawn mower. John is really busy cutting the lawn by hand with a weed hook. I think the compound is about 1 acre.
I did wash a few items the old fashioned way today! Didn't hurt me at all! Of course I had just finished and had them on the clothes line and it started to rain. We hurridly brought them in. We were just thankful for the rain and did get a good shower and it still looks promising for more rain.
We have really been enjoying a new ice cream. It is Engish Toffey. It is so good!
Tuesday-Feb. 1st - We had a good rain last night. The air is cool and fresh this morning. The temperature is around 70 but will get higher during the day – probably around 80 – 85 degrees. I don't miss the cold and snow.
Tim and 4 men from the church met with government officials about land purchase. Six acres have been bought and paid for and six more are available. The officials would like for the church to have these. The church has until the last of June to buy the additional acres. After returning home prayer was offered before the Lord by the the men regarding this matter.
At 4:15 p.m. man came to hook up wireless internet but discovered the phone line is dead. Will return tomorrow!
Schedule for power outage: Tuesday 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 6 11 p.m. These are subject to be changed without warning! :)
5:40 p.m. Trucking company just called and they are delivering trunks, washer and mower to the house. What a blessing! After opening all the trunks everything was in great shape! Only one little plastic container lid from the Dollar Store was broken and one bottle of flavoring had leaked a little but did not get on anything except the plastic that was around it. God is so good! Now the sorting begins for Kim and Tim, household items and things that they brought back for their people!
8:50 p.m. Well we just lost power for the evening. Can you believe they were early? That is one thing you can depend on the Tanzanians for being on time or even early!
Washer connected and ready to start washing but wait, the power is off! Will start washing the first thing in the morning if we have water. Praise the Lord it is raining again.
Wednesday-Feb. 2nd – Today is another cool overcast day. 70 degrees is cool to most people here. The morning has been spent going through trunks, unpacking and sorting. The new washing machine has been getting a work out too. After washing the clothes are hung out on a line to dry. Next comes ironing.
Bill repaired a floor lamp that no longer worked.
Since we were so busy Ruthie (Kim's helper) made a delicious lunch of rice, beans and homemade rolls. It was very good!
In the afternoon clothes and gifts were given to John and his family. Tim and Kim had brought these things (new and used) from the States for them. John is the national pastor of the church and a very hard worker. He and his family live on the compound and John is a great help to Tim. There were gifts for many others also.
Had a good crowd for church this evening and Bill got to preach! Of course Tim interpreted for him.
Well, another day has come and gone and still no internet! Also the power was off for about 1 ½ hours.
Thursday-Feb. 3rd - Tim left early to walk into town to take care of business. After a breakfast of uji (millet), coffee and juice the power went off again. That means no internet service today and the phone still isn't working either. This is remote Africa. What a laid back atmosphere! All of these inconveniences coupled with people problems can be very upsetting to the missionaries and pastors.
An hour and half has past and the power is on again. How long it will stay on is unknown. In the meantime the washing machine is going again.
Before noon John received a call that a 2 ½ year old little girl out in the village of Ndevelwa had died. The family attend the church services there. Since they don't embalm here, the funeral was quickly arranged, the coffin made and funeral conducted. Tim, John and Laurent were there. Tim and John officiated. It was determined that the child died of pneumonia. Very sad situation. You cannot believe the poverty of the people that live in these villages. We all sent money for the coffin and food for the family.
Power went off before 6 p.m. and came on at 11 p.m. however, 5 minutes later it was off again.
Dr. Ruth, the doctor from the UK, came and visited about three hours. She is very interesting to listen to.
Still no internet service at the house. One day, may be.......
Friday-Feb. 4th - We are still waiting for the power to come back on. John brought hot water for coffee and tea. He built a fire to cook their breakfast on. We had peanut butter and jelly for breakfast. Tim has walked into town. He will go by the electric office and take care of other business as well.
John has gone into the village to take food to the bereaved family who lost the child yesterday. Before he reached the village he called to say he was out of “petro”. He was on his motorcycle. So, Tim came back from town to get on his motorcycle and take petro to John. But wait, there is another problem – flat tire on his bike. No tools, no tire pump, what's next? Tim walked to find someone who would come and fix the flat. Soon he came back with a Tanzanian. He had a few tools in his hand, but he began to work to locate the problem. The tire was leaking air from a previous repair. In a short time the flat was fixed and Tim was on his way with a can of petro tied onto the bike to find John. They are still gone.
11:20 a.m. the power suddenly came on after about 17 hours. However it was off again at 11:50 a.m. Oh yes, remember this is Africa.
Tim and John returned from the village at 1:15 p.m. The family that received the food were very thankful. Tim said some more people from the village are supposed to come to church Sunday. We have borrowed a car and the four of us are planning to go out this Sunday.
Power is still off therefore no cooking. We went to the Tabora Hotel for a light lunch. Then on to Internet Cafe to check email. We had lots of messages. Since we are not use to the computers we spent our whole hour checking and deleting messages, looked at facebook a little. We are getting impatient waiting to get internet at the house. Will post all of this soon, I hope.
When we got home the power was on. The new lawn mower was filled with petro and oil. Tim had to try it first then John took over. He was like a little boy with a new toy.
One of their men, Bro. Johnston, came for a while to visit and greet us.
Would you believe this? It is 6:15 p.m. and the power just went off! However, there is still power in the blood. Tim called the power company to ask why our power was off again – he was told that the schedule had been changed! :)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
From Tabora

Friday – Arrived safely in Dar with all bags and none had been tampered with. It seems so hot since we left Ireland and the temperature was -6 degrees C and here I'm sure it is in the 80s. Dar is on the Indian Ocean and I think the humidity must be 100 percent. Needless to say we feel drained but well. Forgot how the traffic is here so sometimes we just close our eyes. Tim has a driver, Juma, they always use him and he a very safe driver but it is the other guy you have to watch out for! :) We did a little shopping but Tim and Kim were suffering from the heat too so decided tomorrow was another day. They arranged for our excess baggage to be transported by truck on to Tanzania along with washer and mower they planned to purchase.
Saturday – Shopping again – Kim for a washing machine and items that she can't get in Tabora. Tim for a lawn mower. Successful shopping and eating. We are staying in the Heritage Hotel these two nights (very comfortable) and there is a Lebanese Restaurant next door and they serve breakfast for the hotel guest and served wonderful food. We just took all of our meals there since it was handy and didn't have to be out in the heat .
Sunday – Saturday and Monday flights were full so we had to travel on Sunday. Left for the airport 9 a.m. for flight to Tabora on Air Tanzania at 11:20 a.m. Arrived in Tabora at l:20 p.m. Were met at the airport by friends of Tim and Kim. This was a 2 engine plane and Tabora has a dirt runway. Tim and Kim went on to church Sunday afternoon but we stayed in. They are really taking good care of us and spoiling us!
Monday – After a great nights sleep and breakfast we all went into town to buy groceries and take care of business. Dr. Ruth loaned Tim a car for a few days to take care of everything. That is such a blessing since you have to go to a different place for each thing. Had a very pleasant surprise when we received the extra baggage that was in suitcases today! The company had a car going thru Tabora so they brought them in the car. All the trunks, washer and lawn mower will come later (hopefully this week).
Tim had to buy a load of water because of the shortage of water. We are hoping that the dry season is about over. Had a few sprinkles last night.
Am trying to send a picture of the home we stayed in during our visit to Ireland and also we have said so much about our luggage thought we better send a picture since “Seeing is Believing”!
Will try to send more pictures when we get internet here at the house next week!
Tuesday – After being gone for 10 months, there was much cleaning, repairing and legal matters for Tim and Kim to attend to. Cleaning the kitchen was a priority for Kim and Faye. Tim and Bill were busy replacing a faucet in the kitchen. A trip into town was necessary to purchase parts before the installation could begin.
After lunch we walked around the compound to see John's garden. He had planted a large plot of beans and peanuts. He also showed us his chickens. He has 100 laying hens producing about 90 eggs a day. The sale of eggs adds to his income.
Had good shower (rain) in the afternoon and another light one during the night. The electric went off shortly after 6 p.m. Without power there is nothing to do, so off to bed around 8:30 p.m. We were awakened a few minutes after 9 p.m. when the power was restored.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Last full day in Ireland
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Safe in Ireland and having a wonderful time!
checked luggage which had to be stored while we made the trip to Ireland.
We arrived in Belfast, Ireland approximately 4 p.m. We were met at the
airport by Bro. John who drove us to his home. It took about an hour. A
delicious meal had been prepared for us there. We visited for a while and
were then driven to our hosts, Matthew and Jennifer's lovely home. Had
about 12 hours wonderful rest!
Saturday morning we were served hot coffee and tea. It was raining so we
spent the day in town just shopping and looking around. The evening had
been planned for a time of food and fellowship with believers from several
churches. We had a wonderful time and were received very warmly.
After another wonderful nights rest we are ready for the Lord's day!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Update - Leaving the USA in less than 20 hours!!!
Roads were all clear! Checked into the motel and are just relaxing. We
will go to the airport about 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. We hope to get our bags
checked in, have lunch and just hang out in the airport until we go through
security check and wait for boarding announcement. Our next post will be
from London or Ireland.