Friday – Arrived safely in Dar with all bags and none had been tampered with. It seems so hot since we left Ireland and the temperature was -6 degrees C and here I'm sure it is in the 80s. Dar is on the Indian Ocean and I think the humidity must be 100 percent. Needless to say we feel drained but well. Forgot how the traffic is here so sometimes we just close our eyes. Tim has a driver, Juma, they always use him and he a very safe driver but it is the other guy you have to watch out for! :) We did a little shopping but Tim and Kim were suffering from the heat too so decided tomorrow was another day. They arranged for our excess baggage to be transported by truck on to Tanzania along with washer and mower they planned to purchase.
Saturday – Shopping again – Kim for a washing machine and items that she can't get in Tabora. Tim for a lawn mower. Successful shopping and eating. We are staying in the Heritage Hotel these two nights (very comfortable) and there is a Lebanese Restaurant next door and they serve breakfast for the hotel guest and served wonderful food. We just took all of our meals there since it was handy and didn't have to be out in the heat .
Sunday – Saturday and Monday flights were full so we had to travel on Sunday. Left for the airport 9 a.m. for flight to Tabora on Air Tanzania at 11:20 a.m. Arrived in Tabora at l:20 p.m. Were met at the airport by friends of Tim and Kim. This was a 2 engine plane and Tabora has a dirt runway. Tim and Kim went on to church Sunday afternoon but we stayed in. They are really taking good care of us and spoiling us!
Monday – After a great nights sleep and breakfast we all went into town to buy groceries and take care of business. Dr. Ruth loaned Tim a car for a few days to take care of everything. That is such a blessing since you have to go to a different place for each thing. Had a very pleasant surprise when we received the extra baggage that was in suitcases today! The company had a car going thru Tabora so they brought them in the car. All the trunks, washer and lawn mower will come later (hopefully this week).
Tim had to buy a load of water because of the shortage of water. We are hoping that the dry season is about over. Had a few sprinkles last night.
Am trying to send a picture of the home we stayed in during our visit to Ireland and also we have said so much about our luggage thought we better send a picture since “Seeing is Believing”!
Will try to send more pictures when we get internet here at the house next week!
Tuesday – After being gone for 10 months, there was much cleaning, repairing and legal matters for Tim and Kim to attend to. Cleaning the kitchen was a priority for Kim and Faye. Tim and Bill were busy replacing a faucet in the kitchen. A trip into town was necessary to purchase parts before the installation could begin.
After lunch we walked around the compound to see John's garden. He had planted a large plot of beans and peanuts. He also showed us his chickens. He has 100 laying hens producing about 90 eggs a day. The sale of eggs adds to his income.
Had good shower (rain) in the afternoon and another light one during the night. The electric went off shortly after 6 p.m. Without power there is nothing to do, so off to bed around 8:30 p.m. We were awakened a few minutes after 9 p.m. when the power was restored.